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Common Queries

For further inquiries

contact us:

on instagram @casecobraas

through email -

How Do I Join

Tryouts occur once a semester—at the beginning of fall semester and halfway through spring semester.

Tryouts consist of learning and performing two 16-counts of raas and garba choreo.


Practices typically occur 3 times a week for 2-3 hours. During AV and competition season, practices occur more frequently (up to 5-6 times a week).

Where Do We Perform

Case CobRAAS represents Case Western within the Cleveland community and on a national level. We typically compete at RAS (Raas All Stars) certified competitions across the country in the spring semester and continue with local performances (on-campus and off-campus) throughout the year. 

Manager Positions

Managers are integral members of our team—from helping our production team build our sets to taking care of logistics at comps to being a pillar of support for the team. Manager positions typically open at the beginning of the fall semester and the application consists of a one page LOI and a team election.

~ Manager positions are currently closed for the 2024-2025 season ~


Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, OH 44106

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